Daily Inspiration

In today’s scripture reading, 1 Corinthians 13:6-7, we learn about the love and the nature of God.

In our Matthew Commentary reading for today, Some of the effects of charity are stated, that we may know whether we have this grace; and that if we have not, we may not rest till we have it. This love is a clear proof of regeneration, and is a touchstone of our professed faith in Christ. In this beautiful description of the nature and effects of love, it is meant to show the Corinthians that their conduct had, in many respects, been a contrast to it. Charity is an utter enemy to selfishness; it does not desire or seek its own praise, or honour, or profit, or pleasure. Charity never seeks its own to the hurt of others, or to neglect others. It ever prefers the welfare of others to its private advantage. Matthew Commentary (1 Corinthians 13:6-7).

Valentine’s Day is one of the biggest holiday seasons of the year. We look forward to receiving flowers and candy from our loved ones and or significant others. God’s love for mankind is the ultimate expression of love and sacrifice.

Sometimes it is not easy to love others unconditionally, but God reminds us that love is not selfish, proud or boastful; it always protects, always hopes, always trusts and always perseveres. It is important for us to learn to practice loving others unconditionally not only because it is a commandment, but in our obedience we will truly understand the love that we deserve from others. We will be less likely to settle for less than what our heavenly Father so freely came to give.

Daily Inspiration

In today’s scripture reading, James 1:2-3, we learn that God sometimes uses trials and temptations to test our faith.

In our Matthew Commentary reading for today, the writer states that “Christianity teaches men to be joyful under troubles: such exercises are sent from God’s love; and trials in the way of duty will brighten our graces now, and our crown at last.” “Let us take care, in times of trial, that patience, and not passion, is set to work in us: whatever is said or done, let patience have the saying and doing of it.” “When the work of patience is complete, it will furnish all that is necessary for our Christian race and warfare.” Matthew Commentary (James 1:2-3).

“We should not pray so much for the removal of affliction, as for wisdom to make a right use of it.” “And who does not want wisdom to guide him under trials, both in regulating his own spirit, and in managing his affairs?” Matthew Commentary (James 1:2-3).

When we experience trials and temptations in our lives, sometimes our first response is to pray to God, so that He will remove the affliction.

We must remember that God has created us for His purpose. God did not promise us that we will not experience pain, but His primary focus is to confirm us to His son. When we are going through difficult circumstances, it is important to seek God, so that we may understand His will, and what He is trying to reveal to us through the circumstances. We not only learn about God during the situation but our character is strengthened as we move closer to the plans that He has set for our lives.

For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Romans 8:29

Daily Inspiration

In today’s scripture reading, Isaiah 1:16-17, we learn that we must live a life acceptable and pleasing to the Lord. In our Matthew Commentary reading for today, the writer states that we must “Not only feel sorrow for the sin committed, but break off the practice.” Matthew Commentary (Isaiah 1:16-17).

“Though our sins have been as scarlet and crimson, a deep dye, a double dye, first in the wool of original corruption…yet pardoning mercy will take our stain. Psalm 51:7. “Life and death, good and evil, are set before us.” “O Lord, incline all of us to live to they glory.” Matthew Commentary (Isaiah 1:16-17).

From our reading, we learn the importance of doing what is right and just in God’s sight. The writer reminds us that once we are saved, we are not to live as we once did, but to embrace the life that God has set before us, turning away from old habits and practices in order to live fully for the Lord. Our heavenly Father is a gracious God, who not only promises to pardon us from past sin, but to give us a new life in Him. We are given the choice everyday to make the right decision to serve the Lord.


Daily Inspiration

In today’s scripture reading, Luke 1:26-28, we see the Birth of Jesus Christ foretold. In our Matthew Commentary, reading for today, “the angel tells Mary that she has been highly favoured.” “The angel assured her that she has found favour with God, and would become the mother of a son whose name she should call Jesus, the Son of the Highest, one in a nature and perfection with the Lord God.” Matthew Commentary (Luke 1:26-28).

“Mary’s reply to the angel was the language of faith and humble admiration, and she asked no sign for the confirming her faith.” Matthew Commentary (Luke 1:26-28). “Without controversy, great was the mystery of godliness.” “Christ’s human nature must be produced so, as it was fit that should be which was to be taken into union with the Divine nature.” “And we must, as Mary here, guide our desires by the word of God.” “In all conflicts, let us remember that with God nothing is impossible.”

In this text, let us examine Mary’s response. In Luke 1:38, Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant.” “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

God still performs miracles today. You may know a relative or a friend who was healed from a life threatening disease and although the doctor may have given his prognosis, God makes the final determination. When we pray and put our faith in God, He is able to perform miracles that we cannot explain, simply because He is God.

God does not promise that He will give us all of the details, or speak at times when we are most insecure, however, when He speaks a word over our lives, what may seem impossible is possible with God. Mary was able to conceive a child without knowing a man, and what may have seemed impossible to the human mind, God was able to perform, because He is sovereign.

The miraculous conception of our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the most powerful stories in the Bible, let us take the time to praise God for how wonderful He is and for what He continues to do in our lives.

Daily Inspiration

In today’s scripture reading, John 15:5,8, we learn that Jesus is the Bread of life. In our Matthew Commentary, reading for today, the writer states that “Believers, like the branches of the vine, are weak, and unable to stand but as they are borne up.” “The Father is the Husbandman.” “Never was any husbandman so wise, so watchful, about His vineyard, as God is about His church, which therefore must prosper.” “We must be fruitful.” “From a vine we look for grapes, and from a Christian we look for a Christian temper, disposition, and life.” Matthew Commentary (15:5,8).

In today’s society, we are taught to be independent, but we must remember that without the grace of God and His guidance and direction we can do nothing. He is the one who gives us the wisdom and understanding to achieve new positions, to navigate life’s challenges and to create wealth. But remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today. Deuteronomy 8:18. 

God knows the ending from the beginning, so without our guide, we may make decisions that may be harmful to our destiny and purpose, if we move ahead Him. When we take the time to listen for God’s direction in our lives, we have the assurance that He will watch over us and protect us. We must remember that when we stay connected to God, we will be fruitful and apart from Him we can do nothing.